A.J. Slagle Jr.



Rocks in the Pack

September 1982, myself, my brother and three others had the opportunity to hunt a lake near the Canadian border on Portland canal, it took two trips in the Cessna 180 and we all made it there with plenty of time to still climb the ridge…Johnny and his father Chester, chose to hunt the opposite side of the lake and my brother Chuck, my brother in law mike and myself took the other ridge… I was 19 years old and in amazing shape, which became evident to Chuck and Mike as we climbed the slope and after about 45 minutes of

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Breakfast at Bella Bella!

I spent 6,1/2 years working in Aviation, the industry had its share of characters and many stories, one of the stories I witnessed was the return of a pilot ferrying a Cessna 206 from Seattle to Ketchikan… Terry was a great coworker and wonderful pilot, yet not the most practical fellow when it came to basic hands on type working with things or equipment… He picked up the plane and began the flight back north with an overnight stop in the Canadian coastal town of Bella Bella… Apparently, the cabin that he was lodged in had an oil stove for

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Rocks in the Pack

September 1982, myself, my brother and three others had the opportunity to hunt a lake near the Canadian border on Portland canal, it took two trips in the Cessna 180 and we all made it there with plenty of time to still climb the ridge…Johnny and his father Chester, chose to hunt the opposite side of the lake and my brother Chuck, my brother in law mike and myself took the other ridge… I was 19 years old and in amazing shape, which became evident to Chuck and Mike as we climbed the slope and after about 45 minutes of

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Breakfast at Bella Bella!

I spent 6,1/2 years working in Aviation, the industry had its share of characters and many stories, one of the stories I witnessed was the return of a pilot ferrying a Cessna 206 from Seattle to Ketchikan… Terry was a great coworker and wonderful pilot, yet not the most practical fellow when it came to basic hands on type working with things or equipment… He picked up the plane and began the flight back north with an overnight stop in the Canadian coastal town of Bella Bella… Apparently, the cabin that he was lodged in had an oil stove for

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True Story Recordings of A.J. Slagle Jr.


Images from the true stories of A.J. Slagle Jr.